Mitt samvittighetsfulle selv;
Utfordre ingen som ikke er din likemann.
Pir Zias kommentar:
When agitation builds up in the ego, one seeks a valve for release, and it is all too common that this superfluous energy is exerted in aggressive and demeaning words and actions, which are inevitably directed towards those who are less powerful.
It may be an act of courage to stand up to a person who is more powerful than oneself, and who is misusing that power, but it can never be courageous to harangue someone less powerful.
When inner agitation builds upon, this rule acts as a check upon the temptation to lash out unthinkingly. We are challenged to pause, breathe, reflect on the root of our disquietude, and then to act thoughtfully and purposefully.
My conscientious self, do not challenge anyone who is not your equal.