Kopperregel nr 6

Døm ikke en annen etter egen lov. Pir Zias kommentar: This rule is a reminder of a teaching that Inayat Khan gives in the context of kinship. You know that Kinship is one of the five activities inaugurated by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan. In addition…

Kopperregel nr 5

Ikke se ned på den som ser opp til deg. Pir Zias kommentar: This is, of course, a very timely reminder for us as we are advancing on our path and as we do so we face a certain danger, and that danger is…

Kopperregel nr 4

Gi din hjelp villig til dem som er i nød. Pir Zias kommentar: It is an important point in spiritual chivalry to look out for those needing help and to be of service without strings attached. Serving the needy—gharib meaning the poor, the outcast, the…

Kopperregel nr 3

Ikke gjør noe som gir deg dårlig samvittighet. Pir Zias kommentar: The conscience is a silent voice, heard only by the inner ear. There are times when, unbeknownst to all, we are incapacitated by our own self-recrimination. Outwardly one enjoys a spotless reputation, and…

Kopperregel nr 2

Vær høflig mot alle. Pir Zias kommentar: Our Copper Rule for today is very simple, and that is, “My conscientious self, be polite to all.” I’m reminded of a saying by a very early Sufi, probably of the 9th century, Abu Hafs al-Haddad of…

kopperregel nr 1

Betrakt ditt ansvar som hellig. Pir Zias kommentar: Each Copper Rule begins with the reader addressing himself or herself, because the Rule is not coming from an outside authority figure. It is coming from your own conscience, speaking to itself and recommitting itself to…

Jernregel nr 10

Ikke skad noen fordi du selv skal dra fordel av det. Pir Zias kommentar: My conscientious self, seek not profit by putting someone in straits. And the other is very similar: My conscientious self, harm no one for your own benefit. So I think…

Jernregel nr 9

Søk ikke vinning ved å sette noen i forlegenhet. Pir Zias kommentar:My conscientious self, seek not profit by putting someone in straits. And the other is very similar: My conscientious self, harm no one for your own benefit. So I think that these two…

Jernregel nr. 8

Gi trofast tjenestene dine til alle som trenger dem. Pir Zias kommentar: The next Iron Rule is My conscientious self, render your services faithfully to all who require them. This saying epitomizes the spirit of chivalry that defines the Knight of Light.Let me begin…

Jernregel nr 7

Spar ikke deg selv i det arbeid du må fullføre.Pir Zias kommentar: My conscientious self, do not spare yourself in the work you must accomplish..I can imagine this might not be what you want to hear. None of us wants to work ourselves into…