Mitt samvittighetsfulle selv;La ikke din ånd bli ydmyket i motgang. Pir Zias kommentar:The wheel of fortune continuously revolves and fortunes rise and fall; wealth is gained and lost. Fame is gained and lost. Power is gained and lost. When we invest our spirit in…
Mitt samvittighetsfulle selv;Møt dine ufullkommenheter med et sverd av selvrespekt. Pir Zias kommentar: Shortcomings: we all have them. We are human. We are ephemeral and imperfect. And imperfection can be uncomfortable. One tries hard to repress the awareness of one’s imperfections, trying to project…
Mitt samvittighetsfulle selv;Be ikke om en tjeneste av dem som ikke vil gi deg den. Pir Zias kommentar: For a moment let us pause and revive the memory of having ardently asked for something and having been refused. And then recall a memory of…
Mitt samvittighetsfulle selv;Lag ikke et nummer av din gavmildhet. Pir Zias kommentar: One of the essential principles of Sufism is the insight that nothing is really random, arbitrary, and meaningless. On the contrary, everything—all of our actions, words, and thoughts—spring from the divine source….
Mitt samvittighetsfulle selv;Utfordre ingen som ikke er din likemann. Pir Zias kommentar: When agitation builds up in the ego, one seeks a valve for release, and it is all too common that this superfluous energy is exerted in aggressive and demeaning words and actions,…
Mitt samvittighetsfulle selv;Ta hensyn til enhver sjels følelser. Pir Zias kommentar:Now that sounds very challenging! Wouldn’t it incapacitate us? It is difficult enough to bear the burden of our own hopes and fears. We might not be able to stand the strain of accommodating…
Mitt samvittighetsfulle selv;Vær ikke mer for andre enn det som forventes av deg. Pir Zias kommentar: This might take us aback because we feel that it seems stingy to be only what we are expected to be. We might feel we should exceed others’…
Mitt samvittighetsfulle selv;Plasser mennesker riktig i din vurdering. Pir Zias kommentar:What is the risk in overestimating someone, expecting too much? Can you recall such an experience, and especially, the disappointment that followed afterwards? Such misjudgments are fair neither to the other person nor to…
Mitt samvittighetsfulle selv;Vær taktfull i alle situasjoner. Pir Zias kommentar: Tact is not deception. Tact is consideration. Murshid says: “Truth that hits like the blow of a hammer is not the truth.” What is right, what is natural, what rings true depends on the…
Mitt samvittighetsfulle selv; Anse plikt like hellig som religion. Pir Zias kommentar: For just a moment bring to mind a duty that you hold as sacred, a commitment toward a person or a community. This commitment perhaps may not always be easy to fulfill;…